Addiction irregular heart beat increased risk of heart attack depression constipation severe abdominal pain hormonal problems weak bones increased pain.
Chronic opioid therapy side effects.
Opioids can lead to bradycardia and vasodilation and as a result can rarely lead to edema hypotension orthostatic hypotension and syncope when used at analgesic doses.
As a group antidepressants and anti seizure medications may rarely worsen depression or cause suicidal thoughts.
A disorder also known as delayed gastric emptying which slows or stops the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine leading to pain excess gas bloating heartburn and weight loss.
Don t try to go cold turkey on your own.
Common signs that it s time to get off opioids include serious side effects reduced pain relief from the same dose of medications over time tolerance or behaviors that raise concerns about misuse abuse or addiction.
Opioid withdrawal can be dangerous and symptoms can be severe.
Physical dependence and addiction are clinical concerns that may prevent proper prescribing and in turn inadequate pain management.
Other long term effects of opioid use include.
Some people might also have dizziness itching mental effects such as nightmares confusion and hallucinations slow or shallow breathing or trouble urinating.
Constipation nausea and dyspepsia are the most common long term adverse effects of chronic opioid use strength of recommendation sor.
Additionally chronic opioid use can lead to physical tolerance and dependence and carries the risk of addiction.
One of the reasons why your doctor needs to manage pain medications so closely is that they can cause side effects such as.
Common side effects of opioid administration include sedation dizziness nausea vomiting constipation physical dependence tolerance and respiratory depression.
Less common side effects of opioid use may include.
If you notice changes in your thinking patterns or mood while taking these medications talk with your doctor right away.
Side effects of these medications are generally mild but may include nausea dizziness or drowsiness.
Side effects of opioids not everyone has side effects from opioids.
The most common side effects are usually sleepiness constipation nausea and vomiting.
Men may experience depression fatigue and sexual dysfunction sor.
B systematic review of low quality studies.
Other common side effects of opioid use include sedation dizziness vomiting tolerance physical dependence and respiratory depression.